With the new routine that I’ve set up for working on my project life layouts in a monthly format, I’m actually on track to complete my 2014 album shortly after the new year. That means I can start the planning process for how I’ll tackle 2015.
Here’s the gameplan!
1. Dedicate Time
I have one and a half hours every Saturday afternoon unless I’m out of town or have something else scheduled. (I’m going to let you in on a secret… this is the time when my husband goes to church and I stay home like a heathen)
2. Plan My Tasks
For each available Project Life timechunk, I pre-plan what I’m supposed to work on. This reduces decision fatigue so I can get started right away.
3. Organize by Month
This is continued from 2014 and I really loved how it expedited my process!
4. Select Photos
After each month is over, I make sure I’ve imported all the photos from all the sources (DSLR, point and shoot, my iPhone, my husband’s iPhone). I use Photomechanic to select out my favorites from each source and then copy them into a working folder for Project Life. I always name my photo files with the date, so the pictures sort themselves into chronological order. This is a totally separate task from working on layouts.
5. Use One Core Kit per Month
Totally works for me to keep things cohesive. Also, I pre-plan this so I don’t have to think about it. I really aim to reduce decision fatigue and set up creative constraints so I can get things done!
6. Incorporate Brush Lettering
I plan on using my own brush lettering for month headers and other embellishments. (get your own copy + a freebie here)
7. Use a Consistent Font Scheme
2015 Font Palette: Oil Can and Adria Slab
8. Catch up on 2013 Photos
I am scheduling in time here to work on my 2013 layouts. With my dedicated time, I think I’ll actually make it!
9. Write Blog Posts
I’ll continue to share my layouts here on the blog to share my capture ideas and get-it-done attitude about scrapping.
10. Enjoy my Photos
This is really the best part. Because of the lag time between when I take the photo, and then sort the photo, and then work with the photo, I get to experience stuff three times! It’s fun to look back and think to myself, “hey, remember that?!” This is definitely my reason for continuing on this Project Life process.
If you also do Project Life, what’s your gameplan? What’s your reason why?
For more info on my general approach to Project Life, check out this blog post.
Project Life is a memory-keeping system created by Becky Higgins. She’s awesome. Go visit her website for more information or watch her 3-day course on CreativeLive.