Rory Gilmore Reading List - Download the checklist from

Are you a Gilmore Girls fan?

Are you a person who loves to read?

Let’s combine those, shall we? It’s been said that over the seven seasons of Gilmore Girls, Rory Gilmore was shown reading or referring to 339 books. And many across the internet have attempted the challenge of reading all of those books. (Just Google “rory gilmore reading list” and you’ll find lists and book clubs galore)

If you’re interested in trying the challenge yourself, I created this checklist that you can download, print off, and log your progress in becoming the most well-read person influenced by a fictional character from a WB (then CW) TV series.

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Happy reading!!

Click to Tweet: Read like Rory Gilmore. Get the printable checklist of all her books. by @randomoliveblog #gilmoregirls #readinglist

(Brush-lettered heading by me, Olivia)

I’d love it if you shared this printable with your friends, and if you post a pic your reading progress on Instagram, please tag me @randomolive so I can see what you’re up to!

P.S. Would you like your photos of you using printed reading list featured on this page? Email me photos plus a link to where to find you online at

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Rory Gilmore Reading List - Download the checklist from