How did you put that digital scrapbook page together?
I’m a huge fan of colorful scrapbooking supplies. They totally fit in with the whole bright and colorful aesthetic that I have going on here.
But… Sometimes even a digital folder full of photos and supplies can be overwhelming to sift through though.
My goal with this series is to show you how simple it can be to put together a digital scrapbooking layout using a variety of supplies.
My fave techniques:
- Journaling cards clipped to the appropriately sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards clipped to a smaller sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards layered over another card or paper and clipped off the edge of a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital stamp/brush.
- Elements or alphas layered over a journaling card or digital paper.
- Digital washi tape as a label.
- Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
- Template: Pocket Essentials by Scotty Girl Design
- Papers: Celebrate Life by Scotty Girl Design
- Elements: Celebrate Life by Scotty Girl Design
- Journaling Cards: Celebrate Life by Scotty Girl Design
I hope these tips helped you with your digital scrapbook pages! Let me know if you’d like to see more posts like this in the comments below.
Listers Gotta List: March 2016
One quick and easy way to document your life is list journaling. This has been around the internet for awhile (examples: 30 Days of Lists, 52 Lists from Moorea Seal, and possibly others!). Cori (aka TheResetGirl) created a challenge called ListersGottaList and she provides prompts for people to journal in list format.
I’m going with an all-digital format for documenting my lists. (Since I’m a digital scrapbooker, of course)
My supplies for list journaling:
- Brush lettered elements (my own lettering, digitized and converted into stamps)
- Assorted journaling cards from digital Project Life kits
- Elements from digital scrapbooking kits (most often by Scotty Girl Design)
What I’m skipping:
- Numbering the prompts.
- Because I skip the prompts I don’t enjoy! I realized that it’s supposed to be fun, not a standardized test. It’s ok to skip the questions! It’s so much less pressure to answer the stuff I want to and skip the ones that are annoying to answer.
What I plan to do with all my layouts:
- Multiple lists per page.
- Right now, I’m thinking I’ll get them printed as a 12×12 book.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my layouts. To see other awesome lists, check out the #ListersGottaList tag on Instagram.
How did you put that digital scrapbook page together?
I’m a huge fan of colorful scrapbooking supplies. They totally fit in with the whole bright and colorful aesthetic that I have going on here.
But… Sometimes even a digital folder full of photos and supplies can be overwhelming to sift through though.
My goal with this series is to show you how simple it can be to put together a digital scrapbooking layout using a variety of supplies.
My fave techniques:
- Journaling cards clipped to the appropriately sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards clipped to a smaller sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards layered over another card or paper and clipped off the edge of a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital stamp/brush.
- Elements or alphas layered over a journaling card or digital paper.
- Digital washi tape as a label.

- Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
- Template: Stitched Grids v5 by Scotty Girl Design
- Papers: The Story of Us by Scotty Girl Design
- Elements: The Story of Us by Scotty Girl Design
- Journaling Cards: The Story of Us by Scotty Girl Design
- Alphas: The Story of Us by Scotty Girl Design
I hope these tips helped you with your digital scrapbook pages! Let me know if you’d like to see more posts like this in the comments below.
Listers Gotta List: February 2015
One quick and easy way to document your life is list journaling. This has been around the internet for awhile (examples: 30 Days of Lists, 52 Lists from Moorea Seal, and possibly others!). Cori (aka TheResetGirl) created a challenge called ListersGottaList and she provides prompts for people to journal in list format.
I’m going with an all-digital format for documenting my lists. (Since I’m a digital scrapbooker, of course)
My supplies for list journaling:
- Brush lettered elements (my own lettering, digitized and converted into stamps)
- Assorted journaling cards from digital Project Life kits
- Elements from digital scrapbooking kits (most often by Scotty Girl Design)
What I’m skipping:
- Numbering the prompts.
- Because I skip the prompts I don’t enjoy! I realized that it’s supposed to be fun, not a standardized test. It’s ok to skip the questions! It’s so much less pressure to answer the stuff I want to and skip the ones that are annoying to answer.
What I plan to do with all my layouts:
- Multiple lists per page.
- Right now, I’m thinking I’ll get them printed as a 12×12 book.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my layouts. To see other awesome lists, check out the #ListersGottaList tag on Instagram.
How did you put that digital scrapbook page together?
I’m a huge fan of colorful scrapbooking supplies. They totally fit in with the whole bright and colorful aesthetic that I have going on here.
But… Sometimes even a digital folder full of photos and supplies can be overwhelming to sift through though.
My goal with this series is to show you how simple it can be to put together a digital scrapbooking layout using a variety of supplies.
My fave techniques:
- Journaling cards clipped to the appropriately sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards clipped to a smaller sized digital pocket.
- Journaling cards layered over another card or paper and clipped off the edge of a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital pocket.
- Digital paper clipped to a digital stamp/brush.
- Elements or alphas layered over a journaling card or digital paper.
- Digital washi tape as a label.
- Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
- Template: Life Basics by Cathy Zielske
- Papers: As You Wish by Scotty Girl Design
- Elements: As You Wish by Scotty Girl Design
- Journaling Cards: As You Wish by Scotty Girl Design
- Alphas: As You Wish by Scotty Girl Design
I hope these tips helped you with your digital scrapbook pages! Let me know if you’d like to see more posts like this in the comments below.
Listers Gotta List: January 2016
One quick and easy way to document your life is list journaling. This has been around the internet for awhile (examples: 30 Days of Lists, 52 Lists from Moorea Seal, and possibly others!). Cori (aka TheResetGirl) created a challenge called ListersGottaList and she provides prompts for people to journal in list format.
I’m going with an all-digital format for documenting my lists. (Since I’m a digital scrapbooker, of course)
My supplies for list journaling:
- Brush lettered elements (my own lettering, digitized and converted into stamps)
- Assorted journaling cards from digital Project Life kits
- Elements from digital scrapbooking kits (most often by Scotty Girl Design)
What I’m skipping:
- Numbering the prompts.
- Because I skip the prompts I don’t enjoy! I realized that it’s supposed to be fun, not a standardized test. It’s ok to skip the questions! It’s so much less pressure to answer the stuff I want to and skip the ones that are annoying to answer.
What I plan to do with all my layouts:
- Multiple lists per page.
- Right now, I’m thinking I’ll get them printed as a 12×12 book.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my layouts. To see other awesome lists, check out the #ListersGottaList tag on Instagram.
Digital Project Life Layouts: December 2014
Project Life is my preferred method of scrapbooking and I’m hoping to provide you with some useful tips for either documenting your own lives or putting together your own pages with minimal fuss.
Here’s what I’m going to emphasize with the layouts I share:
- The random stuff I like to capture and document for myself.
- The simple approach to Project Life that I take. There are a lot of photos and very little embellishment and journaling.
- The way I organize some spreads into themes or stories.
You can click on each image below for a slightly larger view.
Simplicity Point: All squares on this layout with photos from my Instagram feed.
Simplicity Point: I placed patterned paper in a diagonal pattern on both sides of the spread.
Capture Idea:Gas prices had been going down, so I took a picture of that.
Simplicity Point: Both sides of the spread use the same page layout.
Capture Idea: The upper right shows a before and after of the wall hanging process in our upstairs hallway.
Capture Idea: I was sitting at Costco waiting for it to open and the light was really nice. Look around even when you’re running errands.
Capture Idea: The bottom left corner is blurred on purpose, but it’s a picture of a Christmas card envelope we received that was lettered nicely.
Capture Idea: On the top right, I wrote out a recipe and photographed it before we went to the grocery. It’s nice to incorporate my own handwriting and recipes into this album.
Story Idea: The spread is a quick weekend trip to Las Vegas with our folks.
Simplicity Point: I have many more photos from this trip, but I kept it to one spread so I could get it done.
Simplicity Point: Digital washi tape with typed text is one of my favorite ways to label photos.
Capture Idea: Casino winnings! My husband won fifty cents off a slot machine. And then quit while he was ahead.
Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
Templates by Cathy Zielske: 01, 02, 05
Fonts: ABeeZee and Klinic Slab
Kit: Plus One Mini Kit
For more info on my general approach to Project Life, check out this blog post.
Project Life is a memory-keeping system created by Becky Higgins. She’s awesome. Go visit her website for more information or watch her 3-day course on CreativeLive.
Digital Project Life Layouts: November 2014
Project Life is my preferred method of scrapbooking and I’m hoping to provide you with some useful tips for either documenting your own lives or putting together your own pages with minimal fuss.
Here’s what I’m going to emphasize with the layouts I share:
- The random stuff I like to capture and document for myself.
- The simple approach to Project Life that I take. There are a lot of photos and very little embellishment and journaling.
- The way I organize some spreads into themes or stories.
You can click on each image below for a slightly larger view.
Capture Idea: Eating out. It’s pretty much our only weekend activity. That and sitting around in pajamas, but that isn’t so photogenic.
Capture Idea: I took Ali Edwards’ Lens of Joy class that month, so I took a picture of the first handout.
Simplicity Point: I layered a watercolor-like digital paper with a paper from the Seafoam kit and used the lighten function in Photoshop Elements to merge them together.
Capture Idea: A shot of my backyard in full bloom.
Capture Idea: My car hitting 100,000 miles.
Story Idea: The entire spread is my progress in crocheting.
Capture Idea: I asked my husband to take a picture of me crocheting so that there’s a visual of me in the process of doing.
Simplicity Point: I used digital washi tape and typed over it as a label.
Capture Idea: Christmas cards addressed and waiting to be stamped.
Capture Idea: Various cooking adventures,
Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
Templates by Cathy Zielske: 01, 02, 05
Fonts: ABeeZee and Klinic Slab
Kit: Seafoam Edition
For more info on my general approach to Project Life, check out this blog post.
Project Life is a memory-keeping system created by Becky Higgins. She’s awesome. Go visit her website for more information or watch her 3-day course on CreativeLive.
Digital Project Life Layouts: May 2015
Project Life is my preferred method of scrapbooking and I’m hoping to provide you with some useful tips for either documenting your own lives or putting together your own pages with minimal fuss.
Here’s what I’m going to emphasize with the layouts I share:
- The random stuff I like to capture and document for myself.
- The simple approach to Project Life that I take. There are a lot of photos and very little embellishment and journaling.
- The way I organize some spreads into themes or stories.
Capture Idea: Always with food.
Capture Idea: Taking a picture of fortunes from fortune cookies is the only way I remember to get them in a digital scrapbook.
Capture Idea: I got my car services, so a quick snap of the invoice and buzzer.
Capture Idea: Messy kitchen table.
Capture Idea: Messy desk. These simple things are what I think I’ll enjoy looking back on the most.
Capture Idea: More food.
Capture Idea: My cousin was using my house for temporary storage so I snapped some before-and-after shots of the storage area.
Simplicity Point: The center square is comprised of patterned paper with a scaled-down journaling card layered on top and offset.
Capture Idea: I humorously spilled a bunch of dirt in the trunk of my car. I like to include even the messy bits in my book.
Capture Idea: I had a couple of dressy events for work, so of course selfies were entirely necessary.
Simplicity Point: Same deal as the previous page with the patterned paper and offset journaling card. I definitely like this look!
Capture Idea: Going on a trip. Long Beach Airport lets you get on the plane from outside, so I was able to get an unencumbered shot of the plane.
Capture Idea: NY-specific food.
Simplicity Point: One journaling card and a quick list of highlights from the trip.
Story Idea: Two pages dedicated to a trip out to Yankee Stadium.
Capture Idea: More food.
Capture Idea: An updated shot of the outside garden.
Capture Idea: And food. But at least one is a meal I cooked at home.
Photos edited with RadLab. (Affiliate Link)
Templates by Cathy Zielske: 01, 02, 05
Fonts: ABeeZee and Klinic Slab
Kit: Scotty Girl Design, Jade Edition, Kraft Edition
For more info on my general approach to Project Life, check out this blog post.
Project Life is a memory-keeping system created by Becky Higgins. She’s awesome. Go visit her website for more information or watch her 3-day course on CreativeLive.
Listers Gotta List: July 2015
One quick and easy way to document your life is list journaling. This has been around the internet for awhile (examples: 30 Days of Lists, 52 Lists from Moorea Seal, and possibly others!) Cori (aka TheResetGirl) started a challenge called ListersGottaList and she provided prompts for people to journal in list format.
I’m going with an all-digital format for documenting my lists. (Since I’m a digital scrapbooker, of course)
My supplies for list journaling:
- Abstract art backgrounds (my own designs – available here)
- Brush lettered prompt headings (my own lettering, digitized and converted into stamps – scroll all the way down to grab these for yourself)
- Assorted journaling cards from digital Project Life kits
- Elements from digital scrapbooking kits (most often by Scotty Girl Design)
What I’m skipping:
- Numbering the prompts
- Because I skip the prompts I don’t enjoy! I realized that it’s supposed to be fun, not a standardized test. It’s ok to skip the questions! It’s so much less pressure to answer the stuff I want to and skip the ones that are annoying to answer.
What I plan to do with all my layouts:
- Four lists per page.
- Right now, I’m thinking I’ll get them printed as a 12×12 book.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my layouts. To see other awesome lists, check out the #ListersGottaList tag on Instagram.
Want to download my brush lettered digital stamps? Get them free!
Click on either of the images below to download (put “0” for the price to download for free or consider leaving a small donation). By entering your email address, you’ll be added to the official RandomOlive email list and receive monthly updates (and notice of future freebies).